So Many Birthdays...
This is a big week for birthdays in the Lundgren family. It was my cousin Jake's birthday on the 23rd, cousin Marc was on the 25th, and today's birthdays are Gramma Rita, Grampa Dale (who we miss desperately), cousin Eric and cousin Connor. Happy Birthday to all of you!
I think this is the perfect day to explain a little bit about my love of food and entertaining. I come by it honestly, owing it in large part to my mom's parents. Growing up, we enjoyed many wonderful home-cooked meals at Gramma and Grampa's house. Grampa always took pleasure in cooking big breakfasts, or firing up the grill for some Juicy Lucy burgers. Gramma could be found at the stove, stirring a big batch of something we knew would be delicious.
The kitchen was a place of love and laughter, somewhere we all felt comfortable and welcome. Family dinners were no small affair, with tables set up in the dining room, living room and sometimes even the porch to accommodate our ever-growing clan. Friends were always received warmly, and I brought them often. My high school graduation party took place at Gramma and Grampa's house, as did a fabulous birthday brunch following a 5K race down at Lake Harriet. Rick and I even took our Holiday Ball pictures there one year!
Gramma and Grampa also exposed us to different types of food, taking us out to a variety of restaurants. I remember Grampa getting so proud and excited when I ate squid with him for the first time. He so appreciated that I would even try it, and was even happier when I actually liked it. Once after the three of us went to the State Fair together, Mom stated that Gramma and I were great dates because we "ate our way through the Fair," sampling and sharing all sorts of unusual delicacies. Both Gramma and Grampa set a great example when it came to trying new foods, and from them I learned not to be a picky eater and to never be afraid of expanding my "food horizons."
As many of you know (either from personal experience or from me explaining it to you), my Gramma makes the best cookies in the whole world. The molasses with meringue frosting are my absolute favorite, but all the other kinds are positively mouthwatering as well. And she is constantly on the lookout for new cookie recipes, stating on more than one occasion, "I never met a cookie I didn't like." Gramma also hosts all of us each year for a fantastic, much-anticipated Gingerbread Day. She bakes the pieces herself and we all have a blast putting together our very own gingerbread houses.
It makes me happy now to spend time in the kitchen, playing with flavors and creating colorful dishes. I love to see my apartment full of people I care about, eating good food and having a good time. Sometimes I have my Gramma over, and consider it a privilege to lovingly serve her a meal, as she has done for me so many times. So you see, an affinity for cuisine is in my genes. I was blessed with these 2 amazing people who helped teach me that food is something to share, to savor, to enjoy.
I teared up at this one...I too have so many great memories of our Gramma and Grampa, both in the kitchen and out! I miss Grampa so much it hurts and I'm more thankful for my Gramma with each passing day. Realize the importance of family and be thankful for the people in your life whom you love and who love you! Thanks Steph....I love you all!
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